Dental office decoration Osseo MN

Fillings, Tooth crown And Bridges

Strengthening your Teeth

Passionate, Dedicated, Friendly

Enhancing Your Smile and Safety with Fillings, Crowns, and Bridges

We all know that healthy teeth will improve your smile, but they also protect you from gum disease and bone loss. Learn how fillings, crowns, and bridges can enhance both your appearance and your oral health.

What are Tooth Fillings?

Tooth fillings “fill” the area of a tooth after removing decay. Decay is caused by bacteria, and it must be removed so that it doesn’t infect the gums. But fillings can also be used to repair teeth that are broken, cracked, or worn down. Fillings provide structure to the damaged teeth and help support bone density in the jaw. Years ago, there were not many options for the kind of material used to fill teeth. Today, patients have a lot of choices:

Tooth-Colored (Composites)

Composite fillings offer the best opportunity to match the tooth color of your existing teeth. Composites are able to bond to the tooth structure, and that helps to provide more support to the tooth. When teeth are chipped or cracked, composites are used because of their superb color-matching ability, and use of composites for filling allows for less of the tooth structure to be removed. However, they’re not as durable as cast gold or amalgam. While cast gold and amalgam can last 10-15 years, composites are expected to endure for about five years. Composite material also takes longer to apply and is more expensive than metal alternatives.

Will My Insurance Cover Cosmetic Dental Treatments?

Typically, insurance will cover a portion of restorative treatments. If the cosmetic procedure will correct a bite problem or is medically necessary due to decay, disease, accident, or injury, you should be able to receive some coverage from your insurance company. Insurance will not cover procedures that are only used to enhance aesthetics.


The team at Osseo Family Dental has a great deal of experience working with insurance companies and are skilled at submitting claims that accurately reflect how our cosmetic procedures will improve your health or prevent future damage.

Dental Insurance

How Much Do Dental Bridges and Crowns Cost?

The expense for crowns and dental bridges depends on the extent of work you need done and which materials you choose. Crowns can be made from metal, porcelain, resin, or ceramics. Your dentist will determine which material is optimal for you.

When dental crowns and bridges are medically necessary, you’re likely to get some coverage from your insurance company. Insurance often pays close to 50% of the cost. If you require help making up the difference, the staff at Osseo Family Dental can put together a payment plan or look into other types of financing options.

Dental fillings, crowns, and bridges are excellent ways to restore your smile when you have a cavity or need to have a tooth extracted. But they also keep your gums and jawbone healthy. If you think you may have a cavity or are looking for a solution to replace missing teeth, contact Osseo Family Dental to make an appointment right away.

There is no better time than the present

to smile!